Today started with Peyton waking up at or slightly before 6am! She clearly hasn't learned Mommy doesn't care much for super early mornings! Haha. We played and had breakfast then got ready to take Bailey to school. Mom and Dad left when we did to head back home. The girls went down for naps at 9:30 since they were up so early! It was nice that they woke up on their own before it was time to go get Bailey. I hate waking them up! It was raining when we first got home so we came in and had lunch then the rain stopped so we went outside. It was such a great day, warm and breezy! We went for a walk then I pulled the pack n play out into the driveway for the girls and I started cleaning the garage fully expecting maybe 5-10 mins before they would start fussing but no, they played and played then Bailey got in with them and they all played for a while longer! It was fabalous!

Happy girls at lunchtime!
We played a while when we came back in and snacked then I laid the babies down around 3 for an afternoon nap. I thought for sure after such an early morning, early, and short nap and outside time they would fall right asleep but nope! I was wrong. They did not fall asleep! I left them in there for some "quiet time" while I cooked dinner then got them back up and we went back outside. Now that it gets dark so early we have to play outside before dinner instead of our summer routine of dinner then outside until bedtime. We played for an hour or two then came in, ate dinner and headed for the tub. I have mastered giving the girls a bath together but Bailey loves getting in with them too and that is harder since her hair is so long and thick, her bath takes longer. The little girls start standing up, and trying to move around more once I'm done washing them and they make me nervous! I hurried with Bailey's hair and got them all out. Right about then, Patrick got home so he helped with Pj's and played with the girls a little while before they went to bed. Once they were in bed it was only 6:45/7ish and way too early for Bailey to go to bed but we were both so sleepy we snuggled on the couch and watched Sofia the first for an hour then she went to bed. I got a second wind around 8 and so now here I am at 11 still up. So much for going to bed early and getting a good nights sleep! I really haven't done anything since 8. I caught up on SVU and got my pinterest fix for the day. Now I am off to bed!

I am happy to say I got the garage all picked up and swept! It is no where close to organized but at least it's picked up now! One day I will have a clean and organized garage again and if/when I downsize my vehicle I will park in there again! :-)
Happy girls at lunchtime!
We played a while when we came back in and snacked then I laid the babies down around 3 for an afternoon nap. I thought for sure after such an early morning, early, and short nap and outside time they would fall right asleep but nope! I was wrong. They did not fall asleep! I left them in there for some "quiet time" while I cooked dinner then got them back up and we went back outside. Now that it gets dark so early we have to play outside before dinner instead of our summer routine of dinner then outside until bedtime. We played for an hour or two then came in, ate dinner and headed for the tub. I have mastered giving the girls a bath together but Bailey loves getting in with them too and that is harder since her hair is so long and thick, her bath takes longer. The little girls start standing up, and trying to move around more once I'm done washing them and they make me nervous! I hurried with Bailey's hair and got them all out. Right about then, Patrick got home so he helped with Pj's and played with the girls a little while before they went to bed. Once they were in bed it was only 6:45/7ish and way too early for Bailey to go to bed but we were both so sleepy we snuggled on the couch and watched Sofia the first for an hour then she went to bed. I got a second wind around 8 and so now here I am at 11 still up. So much for going to bed early and getting a good nights sleep! I really haven't done anything since 8. I caught up on SVU and got my pinterest fix for the day. Now I am off to bed!
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