Saturday, January 31, 2015

Back to normal

Well for the most part. All and all everyone is SO MUCH better in our house! Some of us still have coughs but those tend to last a while. My parents left this morning so it's time to get life back to normal. It's so weird, we've all been sick for so long I forget what normal is! Ok, maybe it was only a couple weeks but that feels like a REALLY long time! 

Did I mention I went back to the Dr. and also ended up on antibiotics? Yep. I was finally sick enough for meds! 

We enjoyed my parents being here even if they were mostly taking care of us! 

 My Mom took this one of Peyton. I love her expression :-) 

Nana did a lot of cooking and baking while she was here. Bailey loves to help! Brooke tried to help too but she was a little too short!

Thursday evening Mom, Bailey and I went down to Wilmington for Elgin and Adam's baby shower! It was fun getting to see everyone!

I am making a project list as I sit here. I think a Hobby Lobby run might be in my afternoon plans once Patrick gets home! :-D

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nana and Papa to the rescue!

Although the girls are all on the mend and Bailey went back to school today I still do not feel good so it was so nice having my Mom and Dad here to play all day!

 They brought Minnie Mouse bean bag chairs and play food from Ikea! So fun!

I ended up taking Peyton back to the pedi yesterday for her ears and she has an ear infection now too so all three girls are on antibiotics now. Today was a much better day around here! 
 We were the only ones in the waiting room. Peyton had fun having the kids table all to herself! 

Staying in and not feeling good means nothing to blog about. How boring! That is all I have, sorry. 

Hoping for a better week ahead! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


We're now on day 11 of sickness in our house. We ended up back in the pediatricians office on Thursday afternoon to have Bailey's ears checked since she said they were hurting. She had not eaten much of anything for 4 days and I was getting really worried. I took the little girls with me and am so glad I did! Turned out Bailey had a double ear infection. 4 days on meds shes feeling a lot better! Peyton has a viral infection like Bailey's started so no meds for her but I'm thinking we may end up taking her back in this week, she's still not feeling well. Brooke has pneumonia! How on earth?!? This was my child who was fine up until the morning of the Dr. appt. when she started with a little cough and runny nose. I even let her play outside with Bailey for a little while the afternoon before. She wasn't showing any symptoms at all. I was shocked. The next day she went downhill and was just so out of it. As the day progressed she really wasn't drinking anything and would not take her meds for anything. We ended up taking her to ER Friday night and they admitted her. She needed fluids and meds through an IV. Patrick spent the night with her and we switched off Saturday morning. Sat she was great, eating, drinking and really perking up! We thought she would be discharged Sat evening but they decided to keep her one more night. We switched again and Patrick stayed the night with her. She was released this afternoon (Sunday)! She's so much better, she's eating and drinking but still fights taking meds which was the reason for keeping her an extra night. This should be an interesting 7 days of getting meds in her. 

My parents are driving up tomorrow to help. Yay! Patrick and I are both sick also and exhausted. The kids take turns being up at night so there has been little sleep for us this past week. 

I'm so over this mess! Bring on summer!! Cold and flu season is for the birds! 

 It's been really nice out every afternoon lately and all of our neighbors have been out playing. My kiddo's have been watching at the window. :-( I feel so bad! I let Bailey and Brooke play out back one afternoon. Brooke got on the trampoline for the first time and had so much fun! 

 Potty time books! I've said this before but it is so funny how many things Bailey had two of. Two potty books from when I first started potty training with her. Dora and Elmo. This was one afternoons distraction when they wanted to play outside! 

Well cold meds and bed are next on the list for me! Hoping we're all well soon! 


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What's new with us

Not a whole lot actually!

 At the moment Bailey, Peyton and I are all sick. Bailey woke up Thursday night with a bad barkey cough and seemed to be having a little trouble with deep breaths. I almost took her to ER but waited it out and went to her pedi on Friday. They said sounded like a virus but ran a strep test anyway. Sat, Sun and Monday were worse for her. She has been refusing to eat which is not something Bailey does. We offered up all her faves and nothing. She is drinking liquids and eating a couple bites here and there. I called back today (Tuesday) since they were closed yesterday and they said the strep test was negative and now they're wondering about fluid behind her ears maybe. They said as long as shes drinking shes still ok. I am still so worried about the not eating part!! We're going back tomorrow afternoon and hoping for some answers! She slept most of Sat, Sun and Mon. but today she had her energy back and didn't nap at all so maybe she's on the mend.

I started with a sore throat Saturday in the middle of the night, was miserable Sunday and Monday but am feeling better today. I still have a cough and little sore throat but my energy level is back. I cleaned the whole house! Trying to disinfect as much as possible!! 

Peyton just started with a cough last night and by the end of today just wanted to be held and snuggled. 

Brooke was the only one in her normal state today so fingers crossed for her!

Patrick isn't home yet, he had mess night tonight after work so I guess I'll see how he's feeling when he gets home. 

My little sickies :-( 

And Brookie just because I took a sweet snuggle pic of her this weekend too! :) 

Here is a little of our week before the sickness hit us... 

 I made a reading nook tent/canopy for Bailey and it's been a big hit with all 3 girls! We've added pillows since these pics were taken.

It kind of took on that not perfectly round shape once I hung it...

So fun!! 

The girls with their smoothies the other day! First smoothie for the littles! They loved them and did good sitting in the kitchen to drink them!

Patrick had duty one night last week. The girls and I met him on base for dinner! I realized later that night that may have been the first time Patrick and I took the kids out for dinner by ourselves since the babies were born. Not 100% sure but I think most of the time when we go out to eat it's when family is in town! Crazy! We cook at home most of the time or get food to go it's just easier! 

Now fast forwarding to today. I had a lot of help vacuuming this morning! They all had good energy in the morning! 

 Cute little helpers! They love when it's vacuum day!

I had a girls night dinner and drinks with Kayla Saturday night! It was so fun! I've missed those so much! Hope we can fit in a lot more before she moves!! :-( I won't get started on that right now! One of the biggest downsides to being a military family!  


Sunday, January 11, 2015

A mini playroom!

Since the babies were born I have so much trouble keeping the house picked up. It's not dirty, I clean a lot but it's just cluttered. There is stuff everywhere! Mostly toys and kid stuff but it drives me nuts. I'm ALWAYS picking up but it never looks clean!

"drives me nuts" is actually a serious understatement. Just ask my husband! I have panic attacks about the house not being in order.

This weekend I decided to make some changes to help make better use of space where we can and help with the clutter!

We turned half of the babies room into a playroom! Woo hoo! With two cribs, two dressers, large double closet doors on one wall and a large window on the other there was no room for any toys so we moved one dresser into their closet and we're selling one. With the dressers gone there's room for toys!

I am beyond excited!! I am looking forward to the day when we have a playroom but for now a half of a playroom will do! The toys wrap around all the way to the other side where their cribs are. I will share that side of the room later :) 
 We still have toys in the living room but we have a toy corner now and not a whole toy room

We started letting the babies roam the house recently instead of keeping the gate up which only allowed them in the living room and kitchen. We keep all the bedroom and bathroom doors closed except Bailey's room but now they have their room too! I ordered some nifty little door stopper things today that will keep open doors in place so they can't play with them. They've started doing that and end up hitting each other with the door. Ouch.
I'm starting some fun new things for Bailey's room this week too! Can't wait to share!

Today was kind of lazy, we watched some football, played outside with the neighbors and Patrick cleaned out my car!

 They were having a lot of fun in Daddy's bag this morning! 

I just love how she sits at the little panio! 
It's supposed to rain all week so I'm hoping to get some projects done! Right now I'm going to try to get in bed before midnight! Goodnight! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


It's getting cold!! This morning it was 16 degrees when I got in the car to take Bailey to school and stayed below freezing all day! If it's going to be this cold I want to see some snow!

Our babysitter was here this morning which was perfect so Peyton and Brooke could stay in out of the cold! I ran some errands and enjoyed a little time relaxing. The girls are super busy now I am always exhausted! 

I've been slowly changing the colors in our house and doing a little redecorating here and there and now that Hobby Lobby is right down the road the process has sped up a little! I love that place! Once Christmas came down I decided I needed a new wreath so that was my project two nights ago and today was DIY roman shades for the kitchen! I have been wanting to do that one forever but just could not decide on colors for fabric but today at Hobby Lobby I found it! I wasn't even looking, it just jumped out! 

I love my wreath! My sister and brother in law have requested one too so that is tomorrow's project! 

The fabric! Love! 

The finished project.

 The lighting was terrible so that's why I shared the fabric photo above. I am not 100% on this. I used a no sew method but think I am going to redo it soon and do a little sewing on it! The sides are too stiff and don't fold like I want them to. I do love it though and will love it more once I tweek it! 

I'm toying with re-opening my ETSY shop! I am trying to think it through a little to make sure I will actually have the time for it but it's fun to think about and we'll see, maybe it will happen! 

My Mommy's morning out was very refreshing and I came home ready to play! The girls and I had a fun afternoon. The little girls stayed in pj's all day since it was so cold! If it wasn't a school day Bailey and I would have too! 

 I never really realized how many toys, outfits, etc that Bailey had/has two of! It is perfect for P & B! Brooke always goes in one of our neighbors garages when we play outside and gets a little stroller like the ones in the above pics and she loves it! Today I pulled Bailey's out for her and of course Peyton wanted one too so I dug back in the closet and pulled out another. Although I knew we had two it was fun to realize how perfect it was! Bailey joined in the stroller parade with her new stroller Santa brought her and that kept them all entertained for quite a while! 

When Patrick got home I cooked dinner. Chicken roll ups! Yum! I tend to cook quicker meals these days so it was fun to have one of our old faves! 

Everyone in my house has been asleep for hours now including Patrick so I think I should go to bed too! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

16 months!

 Peyton and Brooke are 16 months! It's time for a baby update! 

Our routine is about the same as it's been. They've been waking up a little closer to and some days after 8am now which has been nice! Bailey is up most days before them. Naps are between 10 and 11 depending on what time they wake up and lasting 2 hours most days which bumps lunch back to 1pm or after a lot now. Bailey starts back to school tomorrow after almost 3 weeks off so it will be interesting getting back on that schedule. I'm kind of liking our vacation schedule! Baths are happening every other night now unless they're extra messy! All 3 girls are taking baths together on those nights! It's fun and we've gotten a good routine down! They aren't loving hair drying lately but usually Patrick dries and I sit in front with toys. 

Clothes: 18 months
Diapers: 4
Shoe: 4

This girl loves to dance! She walks around most days with Bailey's little Sofia karaoke box just playing it over and over again and swaying back and forth and dances every time there's music on. It's so cute! She is a little turd always on the couch now! She thinks it's so funny when we get her off, she'll do it over and over again. I wouldn't worry as much if I wasn't so afraid of them flipping over the back or hitting the end table. She's saying a few words pretty well now and trying a few more. Some new words include, "nite nite", 'bye bye' "Bay-e" (For Bailey!) and "Book" (for Brooke). When we're playing outside with all the neighbor kids they all drive their jeeps in the street so when a car is coming all the adults yell "CAR" loudly and this evening when we were outside for a little while before dinner we were all shouting "CAR" and Peyton started yelling "CA", "CA"! 

Clothes: 18 months
Diapers: 4
Shoe: 4
Weight: 21lbs 

Brookie has quite the little personality now! She's so snugglie and wants to be held (usually by Mommy) a lot. She does the cutest little fake laugh. She is also enjoying dancing now! She holds up her pointer fingers and does a little dance when there's music playing or if someone is singing. It's so cute!! She goes "Wooaahh" when she runs around the corner or fast through a room. That's hard to explain but I hope at least I will remember what that means later on! She loves giving kisses and does with so much exaggeration.. MUUUAAAHHH! She's talking more now too. Also saying "Bay-e", "bye bye", "nite nite" and a few others which at the moment I can't think of so may have to add in later when I can think straight! She and actually Peyton too likes to hide things in their play kitchen's refrigerator. We've learned when there is a lost water cup, paci's etc to check there first! 


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Wow! It's 2015. Crazy. 

We had a lovely Christmas with my family here! It was really nice to have them for a whole week and not have every day preplanned. I can't remember the last time that happened. We spent Christmas Eve baking cookies, and celebrating Chris' birthday. On Christmas day we opened presents and played with new toys all day! 


The weather was so nice  the few days after Christmas we were able to go to the beach one day and down to Wilmington to tour the battleship another!


We were also able to squeeze in a double date night with my sister and her hubby! 

My family left the 29th and Patrick's family arrived the 31st! We had a New Years party before the kids went to bed with nachos, confetti, tiaras, noise makers and sparkling grape juice!
They had a blast! 

Fun Fun Fun! 

Peyton and Brooke are 16 months now! I will do a baby update tomorrow! Time to get my workout clothes on and head over to my neighbors garage gym now! I so hate working out but trying to hang in there and get rid of the rest of this baby weight! I mean they are 16 months now, I think it's about time! A few of my neighbors and I have been working out every night after the kids go to bed. We've missed a few nights with the holiday and families being in town. Time to get back to it!